Easy payment plans available for Seylan cards when you purchase goods through Mint Pay
Valid until 31 Dec 2024
How Mintpay works
Step 1:
Sign up with Mintpay:
Step 2:
Select the store to purchase from
Step 3:
Add to cart the items you wish to purchase and proceed to checkout
Step 4:
At the checkout, select Mintpay as the payment option.
Step 5:
Key in the Mintpay credentials to log in. Insert your debit or credit card details and complete the purchase. The first installment will be charged at the point of purchase.
The purchase will be shipped straight away. The remaining two installments will be automatically deducted from the attached debit or credit card on the respective due dates.
Visit https://mintpay.lk/vouchers
• Purchase a digital Mintpay voucher and redeem it at any store within the Mintpay network, either online or in-store.
• Combine vouchers with other payment methods if the purchase exceeds the voucher value.